Post Your Kootenay Job Opportunity

Employer Information

Company name:
City/Town (or nearest): / British Columbia
Postal Code:
Contact Name:

Job Information

Post on job board and websites? YES... make this public.     NO... for KES use only.
Posting Date: (today)
Post Expires On:
Job Start Date:
Posting Type Job Posting     Volunteer Posting
Job Title:
(edit if required)
Casual Labour? YES     ||     NO
Student Position YES     ||     NO
Wage Offered:

The default wage is set to the current minimum wage. As of November 1st 2023, all job postings in B.C. must include expected pay or the expected pay range for a specific job. For more information, see here: pay transparency. If you are posting on behalf of a charity for a volunteer position, please put in $0/hr. If a job posting does not supply a valid wage (or wage range), it will not be posted.

Job Requirements (skills, qualifications, experience):
Keep in mind, there is a 100 word (600 character) maximum limit, so be concise. You have characters left.
Job Duties & Responsibilities:
Keep in mind, there is a 100 word (600 character) maximum limit, so be concise. You have characters left.
How To Apply:
(edit if required)

Please ensure that you are a real person. (anti-spam measure) Type the letters from the image